Thursday, September 12, 2013

Meal Plan Week 3 Available

Hey guys, the meal plan for week 3 is now ready for purchase and immediate download. You can purchase it two ways: on the side bar of this blog right under the pic that says 'efitmama's meal plan week 3' or by clicking the 'add to cart' button at the end of this post.

This week's calorie range is 1650-1800, macros are included for each of the 6 meals for each day so you can adjust to fit your personal macros. There is also a shopping list included. All of these meals are simple and don't require a lot of prep or crazy ingredients.

These meal plans are great tools in addition to your workout regimen. If you aren't seeing the results you want, more than likely it's due to the way you are eating, what you are putting in your body and how much of it.

For your personal macros you can go to and calculate them and simply adjust the portions, ingredients, brands, etc...for the meals if needed.

Each weekly plan is $10 and can be downloaded immediatedly once purchased

Add to Cart

1 comment:

  1. How do you go about personalizing the meal plans? Is it possible to purchase week 3 if you missed week 1 and 2?
