Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Workout Wednesday - Chest and Triceps

I have a great Chest and Triceps Workout today for you guys! I used to never work chest because, hey I'm a girl and what did I need to work that muscle for? Well I decided to start incorporating it into my weekly workouts and it has now become one of my favorite days! I notice in tank tops that my upper pec muscles are more defined and I have to say I dig that shit! Here is a pic where I first noticed my chest exercises were paying off
So here's a nice little circuit for you all that is sure to have your chest and triceps burning and fatigued! I have a few pictures that my husband snapped of certain exercises and a short video below, but if you don't know a certain exercise you can click on it and a link will take you to a picture of it.
Circuit 1

3 Sets of 10-12

Circuit 2
3 Sets of 10-12
Circuit 3
3 Sets to failure
  • Cable Flyes


Decline Chest Press Video




  1. This is such an awesome workout! I've been looking for new ways to work my upper bod! Thanks :)

  2. Hi Erica! I just read your post on Skinnymeg's blog & just had a quick question for you. Did you notice a difference in delivering your son vs. your daughter since you had done more exercise being pregnant with your daughter?

  3. I found you via SkinnyMeg and look forward to following your blog. :-)

  4. I've been looking for awesome arm workouts so thank you for sharing!

    I actually found your blog/instagram a few days ago and then I saw you on SkinnyMeg today! I can't wait to read and learn more from you! I've been pretty interested in learning more about IIFYM so I'd love to see how that fits into your life.

  5. that would work but i prefer this program : exercise for chest men
